
Showing posts from August, 2022

Ways To End Your Kid’s Stage Fear

Is your child afraid of speaking in public? Is your child fearful of performing at school events ? Stage fright refers to a general feeling of anxiety when performing in front of others. This is common in both children and adults. Some people can overcome stage fright with practice and time, but others may not be so lucky. Because you are performing in front of an audience, it is normal to feel nervous. We will explore stage fright further. Stage fright, also known as performance anxiety or stage fear, is a type of anxiety or stress that occurs when a person has to perform before an audience. Stage fright affects many children in CBSE curriculum schools , even though not everyone experiences it. Even if the crowd is small, they can feel anxious, nervous, and fear performing in front of an audience. As a result, children can experience stage fright, which can cause tummy aches and headaches as well as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and sweating. They may even cry or throw tantrums. You...

How To Raise Modern Children In A Traditional Household

It can be difficult for parents to find the right balance between giving their children the freedom to develop into their own personalities and keeping the values and traditions they cherish. How can you teach your children respect, responsibility, and self-reliance while still allowing them to pursue their interests and develop their own identities? This blog will provide some great parenting tips to raise modern children from CBSE curriculum schools in a traditional home. In this blog, we will talk about why physical punishment is never effective when disciplining kids. It never works and is likely to cause more behavioral problems. In contrast, routines are proven to create respect and create a sense of security. We'll also share with you ways to build Screen-related experiences into your children's lives. Follow our advice, and you'll be raising modern children in a traditional household! Let's first define "modern children." Modern children in some o...