What Is The Biggest Failure In Modern Parenting?

Modern Parenting

Parenting is undoubtedly one of the most challenging occupations there can be. A parent is inevitably going to make mistakes, no matter how diligent and attentive they are. CBSE affiliated schools like Millennium World School North Bangalore knows that there is no fixed formula for good parenting because every child and family is unique, but there are several habits that parents can and need to try to avoid.

Being a parent can be stressful, especially if you fear that you won't do everything correctly. However, we are only human, so you will make mistakes as a parent. Keep in mind that you are not by yourself. Every parent errs occasionally. In this situation, cbse curriculum schools help parents to deal with the challenges of modern parenting.

If you know what to look for, you can steer clear of some frequent parenting failure. You will get one step closer to becoming a better parent by understanding how to avoid these typical parenting errors. Here is few failures in modern parenting to avoid.

1.     Failing to set an example

A parent may offer the best advice in the world for their children, such as suggestions for how to act around others, guidelines for how to act while they're having a hard time, or sincere pleas to quit smoking. However, merely telling their children to do these things is ineffective compared to modelling them through their own actions.

2.     Battling the struggles of their children

Learning that decisions have consequences is a crucial element of growing up. A youngster benefits from being made aware of when their actions have an unfavorable effect on other people or result in undesirable results. However, parents frequently take on their children's conflicts for them, either taking on the penalties themselves or finding a method to help their child avoid them parents, to be fair, are trying to protect their children.

3.     Spending less time with kids

Even when they don't act like it, children still want their parents' attention, according to Researchers. She suggests setting aside 10 to 20 minutes per day to spend with your child in a meaningful way. That shows them that you value them and that you not only love them but also like being around them.

The word "quality" is crucial here. Instead of watching television or keeping an eye on their children while taking business calls, parents should be giving their children their complete attention at this time.

4.     Allowing technology to rule

In our daily lives, technology plays a crucial role in everything from entertainment to completing work. But far too frequently, parents allow technology to rule their lives, and it can even start to dominate the time they spend with their children.

CBSE curriculum schools, like Millennium World School encourage spending quality time together while engaging in a variety of activities, chatting, and interacting with one another helps to create memories. Kids won't recall the most recent phone you gave them. They'll recall their emotions during their time with you.

5.     Imposing your objectives on your children

Although parents always want the best for their children, they occasionally lose sight of the fact that what is best for them is also best for their children. Instead of giving their children the freedom to pursue their own desires, cbse affiliated schools urge parents to let them participate in activities they wish they had participated in as children, whether it is social contacts, extracurricular activities, or job aspirations.

6.     Employing a "one-size-fits-all" strategy

Too frequently, we assume supporting methods and settings are appropriate without checking to see if the assumptions match the child's particular requirements. We advocate using a more individualized approach when dealing with children, identifying each child's unique traits and adjusting discipline and rewards to better meet those requirements.

Even if general strategies are beneficial to some kids, giving them to kids who struggle with emotional and behavioral control is sometimes insufficient. Their interpersonal and behavioral strategies can be more effectively tailored when parents are aware of each child's unique characteristics.

7.     Limiting a child's independence as they get older

Personal independence is one of those things that gets easier with experience. Giving kids more freedom to be independent as they get older is essential for this reason. While it makes sense to create boundaries while a child is young, it's crucial to allow those boundaries to grow over time. Allowing children to gradually develop their independence is more beneficial than forcing them to understand it all at once as adults, even though doing so may at first generate concern for both parties.

8.     Making every effort for their children

Parents naturally care about their children's welfare, but this obligation shouldn't lead to parents giving in to their children's every desire. To some extent, it's acceptable to wish to assist them, but doing everything for them deprives them of gratitude and creates unreasonably low expectations.

9.     Preventing kids from making mistakes

Every parent wants to provide for and safeguard their children. However, it's occasionally necessary to let them fail. Allowing them to pick themselves up and move on from any missteps is the greatest approach to ensure that they have the capacity to manage errors and recover from the bruises and bumps that come along with them in the long run.

    10.     Aiming for perfection

Parents who demand perfection from their children will be bitterly let down. And that objective is just not attainable. Additionally, doing so "may make their child frustrated and anxious, increasing the likelihood that they will avoid trying new things than fail to meet the parent's expectations. The child will thus start to feel like a failure and develop severely low self-esteem as a result.


The majority of parents start their parenting journey hoping to be the greatest parents they can be. But despite their best efforts, they will inevitably make mistakes; here comes the role of their schools. CBSE affiliated schools, Millennium World School North Bangalore take care of their students in all aspects. The key is realizing that parenting is a journey that is continuously changing and necessitates adaptability.

Parents need to refrain from lecturing their kids. It's crucial to use as few words as possible when correcting your youngster. If you speak for more than a few words, your children will probably stop paying attention. The more a parent speaks, the greater the chance that their words will be misunderstood by the youngster or that they will think whatever they say is negotiable. It is therefore preferable to be transparent and consistent while allowing your deeds to speak for themselves.


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