How To Make Any Child An Active Learner


How To Make Any Child An Active Learner

There are two types of learning: passive learning and active learning, in which the learner actively contributes to the learning process. According to research, children who actively participate in their education learn more because doing so stimulates the brain's cognitive and sensory networks, which aid in processing and storing new knowledge. Active learning can be facilitated through engaging in discussions, practice, reviews, problem-solving, and group projects. The terms creative learning and play-based learning can be used interchangeably in early education.

Young individuals who are adaptable, innovative, proactive, and reflective learners are needed in today's world. Therefore, the greatest international schools in north Bangalore, like Millennium World School, try to offer a rich learning environment where students are encouraged to solve issues, make decisions, exercise critical thinking, effectively communicate their ideas, and collaborate well in groups.

The main goal of every teacher has always been to engage students effectively in their lessons. Active learning in the classroom refers to teacher-designed learning activities that have students doing and reflecting on what they are doing. For example, it is typical for a student to participate in a regular class by merely asking and answering questions. In contrast, a class with effective active learning activities allows all students to reflect on the subject, engage with it, and practice learning, applying, synthesizing, or summarizing abilities.

Therefore, top Bangalore schools like Millennium World School follow some strategies we will share with you today that parents may use to support the development of their children as active learners.


1.     Allow students to take part in various activities

Try using narrative, engaging audio-visuals, and group session activities to engage children instead of boring them with repetitive reading and writing exercises. These fun games encourage cooperation, which in turn supports children's development as active learners. Additionally, you can set up brief tests and polls to review the earlier-taught chapters in class.

2.     Presentations in class

The teacher may ask the class to guess what will happen in a presentation. After the demonstration, the students are urged to discuss the observed result and how it might have deviated from their forecast. By forecasting a result, this method is used to gauge how well they comprehend a system. If their prediction is off, it helps students recognize and explain the error to their classmates and the teacher.

3.     Case-based training

This method exposes students to real-world scenarios that call for them to use their knowledge to draw a decision about an unresolved issue. For example, give a small group of 3-5 kids a case study so they may decide what they know is pertinent to the case, what additional information they might need, and what influence their judgments might have while taking into account the case's broader ramifications. This actively and cooperatively engages students in the educational concept.

4.     Actively participate in their educational process

Parental participation is crucial in children's lives, whether in academics or any other sector, as children spend most of their time with you, the parents, and view you as their role models. One of the best methods to encourage kids to become active learners is to participate in their activities and question them about their friends, school, or basic day-to-day activities.

5.     Starter exercises at the start of class

A starter is an exercise the teacher designs to capture the student's interest and keep it while the topic is introduced to the class. This enables the student to put their thinking cap on and answer a question that the teacher has posted. This question establishes a tone that will engage the students as soon as they walk into the classroom.

6.     The pause method

Every 15 to 20 minutes, the teacher can take a 2 to 5-minute break and invite the class to talk about and revise their notes in pairs. This method encourages students to reflect on their comprehension of the material that was just covered in class and arrange that new information as important points in their notebooks. Additionally, it offers a chance to explain any ambiguities and ask questions.

7.     Routines for using visible thinking in class

Visible thinking routines are a collection of adaptable and methodical conceptual frameworks founded on research that show students how to make their ideas clear and understandable. Various visual organizers that assist arrange ideation and reasoning are used to achieve this. These practices encourage a deeper comprehension of the subject matter and aid learners in understanding how they process information.

8.     Take a constructive and motivating stance

On occasion, using words like "Thank You," "Great Job," "Keep It Up," and similar phrases can go a long way toward encouraging children to become active learners. However, this does not mean you should start rewarding them for their faults. Be truthful with them. When given a chance, encouraging words can assist people in getting into circumstances where they can assess themselves with much more zeal and determination.

9.     Perform brain-warming practices

As you are aware, the morning ushers in the day. Therefore, getting the kids moving early in the day can help them stay active all day. In addition, youngsters can clear their minds with exercises like yoga, brainteasers, and meditation, and these activities can help the day begin with excitement and teamwork. Instilling self-discipline in young brains is another benefit of these exercises, which is crucial right now.


Millennium World School, one of the top international schools in north Bangalore, they are adamant that every child is unique. As a result, every child has a different learning capacity. However, as students develop into active learners, they begin to take a strong interest in their academics, and the learning outcomes also significantly increase. Simply take the necessary actions to help kids change from being passive learners to active one, and you'll be amazed at the difference in their general performance!


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